How to download mods for gta v on steam

Always check the installation instructions of the mods you download. A version of Script Hook that allows scripts written in. NET language. Make sure you have Microsoft. NET Framework 4. Download the Community Script Hook here. Here's the download link. In the zip file you'll find:. Inside the scripts folder, there's a folder called 'addins. You can delete them all if you don't want them. The 'addins' folder is where you'll be dropping.

Again, refer to each mod's installation instructions. It's a powerful utility that allows for the editing and saving of GTA game files, and it's now being developed for GTA 5.

Different mods use OpenIV in different ways, so we can't really give you a general list of instructions: read the directions on each given mod's page. Keep in mind, OpenIV makes actual changes to game files, so we suggest making backup copies of any game files you change. You can download the latest version of OpenIV from the official site. The Map Editor is required for mods that add new areas, like islands and buildings, to the Los Santos map.

You need to use a fresh install of GTA V every time. We may overwrite some of these files later. You can start your game now to be sure you got these right. Star your game and you should see a ENB message in the upper left hand corner like the pic below, If you do not you did something wrong, try again. Go down to the VisualV section if that is what you want. Toss reshade32 in the trash. Now double click ReShadesetup. Now you have them both installed but you need this next step to make them work together.

Go in to your GTA V directory and locate a file named: enblocal. Double click that and it will bring up notepad. You need to change the first 3 lines of this file. Rename this file to DXGI. Now fire up your game. If you did everything correctly it should look like this: If you see red print in the upper left hand corner when you start GTA V that means SweetFX failed. Go back and try to fix by reading instructions all the way, or start again.

It will crash your game. You can choose if you want to do that later. You can either skip it or you can download VisualV and steal that single file from there. He will update the mod "soon". But for now while installing this just skip that single file. I use the low fog as I like to see things clearly it does not remove all fog but it does remove most.

Now, fire up your game and see how it looks. After you get all that working the fun part starts. So make sure you have what you need installed one or the other or maybe both between SweetFX and ENB and stable before moving on. Google is your friend. Find an option you like. Find the look you like best.

You can also open the SweetFXsettings. This is post-process so you can make changes while the game is running and see them in realtime. You can even select split screen in that same file so you can see what it looks like with and without SweetFX at the same time. Very cool stuff. Here is what I use. It's very simple but it looks the best IMO. No SweetFX at all. Just because you can add lots of post-process effects does not mean it looks better. Sometimes less is more.

If one is not there, create one. This is where you will place all of your scripit mods. Scripts add things in game like, making cars need gas, the ability to shoot the gun from a NPC's hand, Iron man suits and much much more. Net Framework 4. I love this one because you can even spawn in the lowriders like Faction2 With hydralics.

You don't get Benny's shop with the trainer but if that is something you want you can mod it in. Too much to go over here. Here are common problems: Try launching again. The crash may have been a fluke.

Kill Fraps. Right click all. Uninstall any other mods that comes with. Make sure. NET Framework 4. I Also use the following mods in an attempt at realism. These can all be found on www. I do not link because these are often updated and I do not want to have to update that often.

These 4 very easy to install mods will turn buses, trains, garbage trucks and more in to thier real-world Los Angeles counterpart. It changes all of the guns sounds and they are spectacular! A simple pistol shot now sounds awesome like it should.

I highly suggest it because anything you do onot like you can simply turn off in the in-game menu. I use this inplace of any handling data that comes with cars that you mod in. It's really great and pretty easy to install.

Also check out the scripts section of www. Google the car names if needed. Very nice mod to stop cars from ghosting on you between missions or even if you turn around for a second. Lower than the game would normally let them.

There are a few weapon mods out there but in my opinon that are not better then the weapons that are already in the geam. This will change in the future for sure. Also modding in a weapon correctly can be a challenge so I may just wait for a full weapon pack to be made. It's just a matter of time, but for now I'm leaving weapons alone. There is a new way to replace cars, tuning parts and more with the new EMF folder mod. Here is a video to show how it works.

I figure I would leave up both ways just incase people prefer the other method. This is the correct way. But also very time consuming. Ain't nobody got time for that! When I download a new car a create a new folder on my desk top and name it with both the name of the car, and the name of the car I'm replacing.

Make sure to save all the cars you download because when GTA V updates you will need to add them again. Ignore handling data in the cars you download.

Most just change the top spee of the car. If you followed this guide you already know that the mod we addded earlier the "Realistic top speeds mod" will do this for us on every car in game already.

So ignore they handling files and just install the model. Be sure the car you are replacing is close to what the car was before because it will sound like the car it was. It's impoirtant to replace cars that are like eachother. When adding cars be sure to watch the file path very closely. If you put the files in the wrong location the car will not work.

Read the readme included in the download for the exact file path. Download the car and read the readme. Now you know the file path. Now you need to use OpenIV to install the car. Example: x64e. Open up Vehicles. If you see the file you are good to hit the green plus sign in OpenIV and navigate to where the downloaded car is. Highlight the files and hit the open button. Your car is now added. Since it's your first one, start GTA V hit F4 to bring up your trainer and spawn the car in by it's old name.

If it worked your golden if not start over. Tuning parts go in the same way they will just have a different file path like xi. Also sometimes tunning parts will be something like "cheetahmods. Sometimes when playing missions a modded car may go crazy, bumpers misaligned, NPC's sitting in odd places, if this happens just bring up your trainer with F4 and select "fix car". This will restore everything to normal. I usually leave those alone because having a modded car for thier main car can cause issues in some missions.

When you replace lots of cars you may notice many spawning in traffic looking messed up. This is because sometimes you replace a car and it should have tuning parts but the mod maker did not make parts for it. Basically your modded replaced car is trying to use parts from the vanilla car.

The bones are different so the car will be all messed up. Use this mod to fix that, all cars in traffic will no longer spawn with parts. I do not like these as they will not spawn in traffic. You will never see it driving down the road. Instead you have to spawn it in by name with a specialized trainer.

That breaks immersion for me. I try not to use the trainer at all, other than spawing in a car because I feel like driving a Benz, BMW, or whatever at the time. So if you want to do addons Google it. I now use the "EMF" mod to replace all cars in game with a single click once you build a folder. I suggest you install all of his cars. I like to use the following mods to add a bit more content to the game. These add new ways to earn cash in single player and extend the life of the game by giving you more to do.

If you put in car or someother mod that you do not like you can simply pull the files you need from your un-modded GTAV. Fist thing is you need to know where the file is. Say you put in a new car and it does not work well. Go back to that car's readme file and get the path of where you put the car. Only this time we want to export rather than import.

Next go to the file path of the file you want to extract. Then click the 4th button to the left of the Green plus sign. If you hover over it with your mouse it will say Extract file. Push this button the extract the files you want to pull and extract them to a folder you create on your desk top. It actually copies it so the file remains in your vanilla game AND gets exported to a place of your choosing. Then swap your 2 versions of GTA V so that your modded version is in your steam folder.

Open up OpenIV again and Add the files you extracted the exact same way you put in the crappy modded car. And that's it.


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